SWARMs: Smart and Networking Underwater Robots in Cooperation Meshes

Tecnologías: IA - Ontología e Interoperabilidad

SWARMS (ECSEL-2014-662107) is a European project approved under the ECSEL-2014-1 call for key applications and essential technologies (RIA) and co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

The main objective of this project is to promote the use of unmanned underwater robots (AUVs) and remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) for the creation, planning and execution of maritime operations far from the coast. With this intention, the design and development of an integrated platform of software and hardware components, framed within the current generation of underwater vehicles, will improve the autonomy, cooperation, robustness, cost-effectiveness and reliability of offshore operations in 3 different scenarios: inspection, maintenance and repair of offshore infrastructure; pollution monitoring and offshore construction operations.

The SWARMS consortium consists of large technology companies, universities and research institutions as well as SMEs specialised in the fields of diving, robotics and communications. It is in the latter group that HI-Iberia stands out, which as an expert in security and semantic applications will carry out the requirements gathering and development of the semantic middleware responsible for making the modules that make up the platform interoperable.
